We found Charlie Girl in the wild when a stray cat had kittens. When I first saw Charlie, she was fighting off her siblings to finish off a dead bird head. For her, everyday was a fight for survival. She not only had to fight off predators, but she had to compete with her siblings to get enough food. Charlie Girl's life was one of scarcity. She saw the world as a limited, dangerous, and harsh place, and she never lost that perspective. Even after years of living indoors, she stole food even though there was plenty, fought others even though there was no danger, and would constantly overeat to the point of obesity even though meals were consistently delivered.
Bobo's life, on the other hand, was one of abundance. We found Bobo when a neighbor's cat had kittens. We found him safely nestled in cardboard box with his mom and siblings. The moment he was weened, he was welcomed into our house. He lived inside his whole life. He had a cupboard full of food, a bed, and catnip toys. There was no competition, no risk, no danger. He saw the world as plentiful, safe, and calm place.
The Abundance Worldview says, "There are limitless opportunities and potential for growth, therefore there is no risk. I can not only survive, but thrive! Being partnered with others increases the growth and opportunities I will see. I can be generous with my time, energy, and ideas without fear of someone taking advantage of me. Additionally, the more I freely give my time, energy, and ideas the more the everybody benefits. Generosity is the best strategy."
The Scarcity Worldview says, "Everyday is a fight for survival. There are a limited amount of time, energy, and ideas, so the more I share, the less I have. I have to constantly be on the lookout of someone taking advantage of me. Someone is going to lose, and it's not going to be me. Generosity might just get you killed."
Abundance vs. Scarcity Questions:
- How do you feel when someone else succeeds or is recognized for his/her accomplishments?
- How do you react when you feel under appreciated?
- What scares you most about freely giving your time, energy, or ideas?
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